
Deufol Döhle Projects GmbH
Alter Wall 55, 20457 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 2289955 0

Managing Director:
Rüdiger Kranz

Registration court:
HRB 182068

Tax ID:



Our internet offering is compiled and maintained with the utmost care. However, Deufol Döhle Projects GmbH cannot guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, quality, and completeness of the information provided. Therefore, Deufol Döhle Projects GmbH shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of the online offering of this website, unless there is willful intent or gross negligence on the part of Deufol Döhle Projects GmbH and it does not concern personal injury or damages under the Product Liability Act.

Similarly, Deufol Döhle Projects GmbH assumes no warranty or liability for the content of third-party website offerings of other providers or operators to which visitors of this website may access via inserted links (hyperlinks). The responsibility for these third-party contents lies solely with their providers or operators. At the time of linking, no legal infringements were recognizable on the linked websites. However, it is not possible for Deufol Döhle Projects GmbH to constantly monitor the linked websites for potential legal violations without concrete evidence. Should you become aware of any such legal violations, please inform us accordingly so that we can remove the corresponding link.

We expressly reserve the right to change, supplement, delete, or discontinue parts of the website or the entire offering without prior notice.

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